OK, it’s not a very long list but these are 5 great t-shirts and you don’t need to be a spaceman to wear them.
The first t-shirt will be only available for a very short time at Teextile so if you want it I suggest you order it now.

This is a photo image but equally effective t-shirt design from Japanese t-shirt Giant Graniph. Or maybe it’s just the cute girl.

And talk about cute girls. Design by Humans does have a few of them.

This is a new tee at Threadless featuring some interesting images.

And this is a classic tee from Threadless which is currently out of print but I’m sure it will get a reprint sometime in the future.

If you know of any other cool astronaut t-shirts feel free to link to them in the comments.
wow really like the first astro tee!
I saw some good ones on zazzle.com too, should check that out… and another cool astronaut tee is on inkfruit.com
Thanks for the link. Not a bad tee.
Very nice work.
Another tee :
Nice tee and thanks for making me look at Look Zippy again. I see now that they have an English version of their site.
Wow! I just saw this post and I jumped of my chair with delight!! hehehe thank you so much for posting and placing my design on top of the selection:)
You have a very great review site here!! bravo!!!
i love that you featured my design! thanks a lot..actually its now for sale..anybody interested please do email me.. zb.pictures@gmail.com
No problem. Great shirt deserved some exposure.
I have my new design for the running please visit this site http://www.designbyhumans.com/vote/detail/59748 to vote for my design..its for the Top10 on DBH 10k..thanks!
Thanks for the exposure here, awesome site, appreciate the fact you gave your one and only vote to my submission!
There is another cool one at SheepStop for $9 called “Moon Walker”