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I am the Tee Reviewer. I go by several names such as deadhippo and Rude Retro but whatever you decide to call me, I will still be the Tee Reviewer. I also run the Shirt List which has the most and the best t-shirt lists as well as providing free promotion for t-shirt stores! Check it out.

11 Responses

  1. carmel
    carmel at | | Reply

    wow really like the first astro tee!
    I saw some good ones on too, should check that out… and another cool astronaut tee is on

  2. Andy
    Andy at | | Reply

    Very nice work.

  3. zerobriant
    zerobriant at | | Reply

    Wow! I just saw this post and I jumped of my chair with delight!! hehehe thank you so much for posting and placing my design on top of the selection:)

    You have a very great review site here!! bravo!!!

  4. zerobriant
    zerobriant at | | Reply

    i love that you featured my design! thanks a lot..actually its now for sale..anybody interested please do email me..


  5. zerobriant
    zerobriant at | | Reply

    I have my new design for the running please visit this site to vote for my design..its for the Top10 on DBH 10k..thanks!

  6. Gloopz
    Gloopz at | | Reply

    Thanks for the exposure here, awesome site, appreciate the fact you gave your one and only vote to my submission!

  7. dcube
    dcube at | | Reply

    There is another cool one at SheepStop for $9 called “Moon Walker”

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