This week was Artist Week at Design by Humans. Design by Humans started out as a t-shirt design contest site and I’m sure that will continue to be their main business for a while but if you just came across DBH in the last few weeks you might wonder.
A few weeks ago they launched DBH Collective which allows some of their designers to showcase and sell their designs on t-shirts on a print-on-demand basis. There are now 261 DBH Collective t-shirts for sale on their website. None of these were selected through the DBH Design Contest.
Starting on Monday of this week none of the daily t-shirts were selected from the design contest submissions either. All five designs were curated. This is Artist Week. Cthulhu Rises by Rafahu, which was just released on Wednesday is already in the Design by Humans Top 50.
Monday was the lightning bolt you can see just above this text and it is by Jeff Sheldon who is quite well-known for his own very cool brand Ugmonk (which I have never featured on Tee Reviewer for some reason). He was also an early winner at Design by Humans.
The other artists are Matthew Skiff, Christopher Lovell, Matthew Taylor and Rafael Aguilar. And if you want to know more about them just click on their designs above. DBH has kindly added a small biography for each artist to their t-shirt page.
Get 10% off with code: DBH10
I think some artists may feel a bit alienated by this move as I know they were with the introduction of the DBH Collective but I think it’s a pretty good move for DBH. Sure they may have picked some established artists instead of giving some up-and-comer a break but they will be back giving breaks and helping to establish artists again next week. And this week, we got five solid t-shirts.
Link: Design by Humans
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