What’s better than a cheap t-shirt? Yes, that’s right. A free t-shirt and that is exactly what you can get. By free of course we mean that you don’t have to pay money for it but really, everyone knows there is no such thing as a free t-shirt, err… lunch. Anyway. To get your hands on one of these pretty sweet (if you are into geek humor) t-shirts you have to do something for them, for Mozy, the t-shirt benefactors. What do you have to do? Read the suggestions below. Check out backthefup.net for more details.
- Promotional – We’re giving you a free T-shirt. In return, all we want is a little exposure. If you make a video, put Mozy in it somehow. If you have a blog, write a post about how much you love Mozy. If you have a bajillion Facebook friends, tell them that we rock. If you have a cornfield, carve Mozy into it. You get the idea.
- Entertaining – Like most people, we hate things that suck. Don’t expect to do some crappy, zero-effort idea and get a T-shirt. We will say no if we think you’re sandbagging, and if it’s really lame, we’ll put you in the hall of shame (anonymously, of course, but you’ll know.)
- Completely Awesome – We’re leaving the proposal up to you so that you can choose to do the thing that you are the awesomest at. Get crazy. Do something amazing. And we guarantee that when you get your shirt and put it on, you’ll feel like you’re putting on sheer awesomeness. Because you are. And all your friends will be jealous.
Well, I got the t-shirt for promising to write this post and agreeing to add links to Mozy and Back the F:/ Up in the post. (It’s not my affiliate link. Not that there is anything wrong with that.) It seemed like a pretty good deal to me. Now, about the t-shirt itself. It is a jet black Gildan tee. 6 or 6.2 oz by the feel of it. It doesn’t look black in my photos but that is my fault. I like the joke. I think it would sell well in a geek t-shirt store but these are not for sale as far as I know. They are a promotional item to spread the news about Mozy’s back up system so you can expect some clear branding on the t-shirt. There is a url on the back and Mozy’s logo on the sleeve. I would complain about these things if the tee weren’t free.

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