OK, so the prize is pretty weak but for Britney fans the honor of designing a t-shirt that will be sold in her store will probably more than make up for it. I’m not a big fan of Britney’s music but I imagine she is a pretty cool person. She’s been a star since she was small and she couldn’t really handle the attention for a while which tells me she is human. She is also quite pretty. Ahem…

Anyway, because I am late in telling you about this contest you don’t have much time left. About three days actually.
The winning design will be for sale in the Britney Spears Online Store, the winner will receive designer credit and once printed, we will send you a few of your winning t-shirts!
Contest submissions will be accepted starting September 14 at 9am PST, ending September 28 at 5pm PST. Britney will pick her favorite design and we will announce the winner on October 5.
All contestants must be at least 13 years old and must reside in one of the following countries: United States: Canada (excluding the provence of Quebec), Great Britain or Ireland.
Please comment with your real name using good manners.