The title makes it sound like Harry is the name of a really big t-shirt but that’s not what we’re talking about here at all. What we are talking about is the collection of Sesame Street t-shirts being sold by American Apparel. They actually launched this series quite a while back and I meant to post about it but things slip through Tee Reviewer net sometimes.
Anyway, as you can see, the one featuring Harry the Monster is a pretty neat shirt. The thing that annoys me though is that I don’t remember Harry the Monster. They should have just used the Cookie Monster. Nobody can forget the Cookie Monster. (Cookie Monster shirt available too.)
This particular tee is $25 but the prices vary almost as much as the options. Several Sesame Street themed t-shirts are available in all sizes including babies’s and children’s sizes.
Wow its a cool t-shirt, i hope know one can wear it in party 🙂