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I am the Tee Reviewer. I go by several names such as deadhippo and Rude Retro but whatever you decide to call me, I will still be the Tee Reviewer. I also run the Shirt List which has the most and the best t-shirt lists as well as providing free promotion for t-shirt stores! Check it out.

3 Responses

  1. Cheryl-CAT
    Cheryl-CAT at | | Reply

    Thanks for the update. 🙂
    The new samples look far better than their previous attempt.
    Wonder why they sent you two the same?

    I may have to think about adding more and better to infinitestitch… even though my previous double-cap sale was returned. I used the minimum font size they recommended, because I already had a design that fit the qualifications… so based on their new tutorial, I should probably go waaay above their minimums…

    Would *I* wear a pink cap?
    But I DO think it was an odd color choice. 🙂
    And I’d PREFER a Visor.
    Where are the nice Visors, Cafepress?
    I’d buy one of THOSE.. or SEVERAL.. in an INSTANT.
    Texas is too hot for full cranium caps.

  2. Cheryl-CAT
    Cheryl-CAT at | | Reply

    Cafepress.. *I* didn’t get a sample either!!! LOL

Please comment with your real name using good manners.

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