American Apparel have just released this wild Andy Kaufman t-shirt. The shirt is about as wild as he is. I wouldn’t wear this, the print is too big and the Andy Kaufman face is a bit scary but I’m sure there are a few fans of both the style and the man out there who would be more than happy to don Andy’s face. Andy is probably turning in his grave. (Two posts in a row I am guessing what other people would feel and this time it’s a dead person. Maybe that’s my new thing.)

Side note: I was old enough to know who Andy Kaufman was before the Jim Carrey biopic came out. From the Taxi series. Although it was in Ireland so probably a few years after its release stateside.
But would you wear it?
I would,oh gosh,I want this so much
Wild! Definitely caught my attention.
As soon as i saw this shirt i instantly wanted it.
The only problem i have with american apparelhaving this shirt is that it strikes me that a lot of the people who buy/wear it might not know who andy kauffman is.
It’s Kaufman,not Kauffman
are these still available?
Yes, just click on the t-shirt image.
Are these still available even now? It won’t let me click
Sorry but you are probably a few years late.