I came across this wonderful art at Zazzle which was obviously created by a fan of the tv show, Mad Men. I love this show. I think it is the best TV drama I have seen for a while and I think that this artist (Dyna Moe) has captured the essence of the show in her art. Below is a poster of a cutout Joan Holloway doll. I imagine a lot of men having been imagining dressing and undressing this super sexy vixen. Probably a few women too. I think this paper doll is about as close as any of us will ever come to doing it though.
I guess there may be some copyright infringement going on here and these might not stay up on Zazzle very long but they are so cool I hope this is not the case. If you want to get your hands on one of these great items though I recommend not waiting. You can find out more about the artist at her web site, Nobody’s Sweetheart and find more of her goods at Zazzle.
For those of you looking for Mad Men t-shirts there are a few uninspired tees at Cafepress. Click on the Mad Men tee shirts below to check out the slim selection.
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