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I am the Tee Reviewer. I go by several names such as deadhippo and Rude Retro but whatever you decide to call me, I will still be the Tee Reviewer. I also run the Shirt List which has the most and the best t-shirt lists as well as providing free promotion for t-shirt stores! Check it out.

5 Responses

  1. franklin marshall
    franklin marshall at | | Reply

    His design of such rods, followed by fashion following the trend, I really like

    1. Anonymous212
      Anonymous212 at | | Reply

      thank you for the kind words. Please check out our new 2012 tshirts and follow us on facebook


    2. Victor Lau
      Victor Lau at | | Reply

      franklin check out our new tshirts!!!

  2. ronald
    ronald at | | Reply

    Now that second t-shirts is really the thing! Personally I always got bored with the archetypical “F*ck me, I’m Irish” tees on the web. This shirt has historical relevance which obviously is important to KapoClothing, because they have their heritage in their slogan. BTW their website is cool too: clear, sober and still trendy!


    1. Victor Lau
      Victor Lau at | | Reply

      Ronald please check our new 2012 line up – and you can also follow us on facebook


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