This site was sent over to me by 17 year old entrepreneur and co-owner. It’s an Aussie skater brand but I won’t judge them for that. There are about 7 t-shirts in the store at the moment. I say about because things change rapidly in the tee biz not because I don’t have confidence in my ability to count up to 7. Although I do use a couple of fingers for typing so anything over 7 is tricky.
Anyway, enough BS. Straight out I will say I have no interest in the zombie t-shirts in this store. I’m not interested in zombie t-shirts anyway but these bring nothing to the already overloaded table of the undead. Luckily for them they seemed to have changed direction because I like the four t-shirts at the top of the store but especially Ninja, Universal and Rubix. I hope they can continue to pull out more gems like those. Well, check them out for yourself at
I’m right there with you on the zombie tee issue.
Yet if you go to Emptees the majority of designs seems to feature zombies.