There are those designs you see that you say to yourself: why didn’t I think of that. And those designs are usually very clever and make you feel a bit envious. Then there are designs that make say: Wow! I would never have thought of that. And they make make you envious but more likely they just leave you in awe of the person’s talent. Falling into this second category are designs by Daniel Newman aka Quakerninja.
Daniel has a plan to start his own clothing line and I am sure a lot of people are excited about it. I know I am as Daniel has kindly given me a sneak peak of what’s to come. As I am kindly passing on to you……….You’re very welcome.

The Quakerninja store will open in February and the above poster set will be available immediately while work on a second poster set has already started and will be on sale later this year. I know what you are thinking. Why am I talking about posters? Well, the thing is, the designs on these posters will be available on t-shirts too although the release date has not been set yet. But those vectors are drool worthy. Check out some details about the posters below:
There are 8 designs total in this first release
size 11×17 digital print on glossy stock
There are two purchase options.
The full set of all 8 designs, comes packaged in a nice elegant green artist portfolio. U.S. $45.00
or you can buy the posters you like most without the portfolio separately. U.S. $6.00/each
If you like Daniel Newman’s work and you’d like to see those t-shirts sooner rather than later I recommend heading over to Threadless and voting for his design. There are just three days left so don’t wait around. And if you would like to see Daniel do his Quakerninja stuff you can watch him live on Newman TV Fridays at 5pm pacific standard time. If you miss the live event don’t worry, there are recordings you can watch on Ustream.

Thank you so much for the shout out, I owe you one.
Thank you Kathryn, I have been using the name for so long It’s to late to turn back now.
I have been trying to get the brand off the ground for the past 3 years now.
I say “the brand” but its just me.
Quakerninja just might be the best name I’ve ever come across. The tees are cool too. 🙂