A couple of days ago I mentioned the Dark Knight Rises t-shirt design contest at Design by Humans. Well voting has begun even though I expect that there will be a lot more submissions. I have to wonder though if the voting will have any relevance as the top 3 winning designs will be selected by director, Christopher Nolan and I guess he is more interested in the artwork than the score. Of course there are 7 more winners so maybe the final scores will be a factor.
Anyway, here are a few designs that caught my eye:

I think this movie will be Bane. The Batman villains are always more interesting than Batman himself and Christian Bale’s wooden performance in the previous installment helped highlight how awesome Heath Ledger was. Perhaps this time Batman will have a personality but I have a feeling Bane is going to steal the show.
Oh yeah, so after you go vote on some designs use the following coupon to get yourself something nice on Design by Humans.
15% off at DBH with code: IVOTED4TDKR
Link: The Dark Knight Rises T-Shirt Design Contest at Design by Humans
i think this is quite good as well
better for sure than the current second