I came across this just now and thought that you readers may be interested as it is name checks Threadless and you know I am big Threadless fan as I am sure you are too. This is just a small part of the comic strip. Go to BradColbow.com to see the rest. It is a satirical piece and while it seems he is dissing Threadless I am not sure that he is, more the concept of spec work which some say designing for Threadless is. There are people who argue both ways and I am not going to get into that here. I know for a fact that some people, unlike Brad Colbow, do make a living from it and I suspect that if Brad put his mind to it he could too as he clearly has both the artistic skill and the sense of humor that make successful Threadless tees.
In the web comic he says none of his other designs were accepted but it actually looks like he only submitted one other design (see his Threadless profile). Who knows though.
Anyway, it’s a cool web comic called The Brads and he has just released a new strip that is very topical: Cyber Monday.
And don’t forget that your can get 30% off at Threadless for the next few days with the code: HAPPYFUZZY.
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