We have a few weird t-shirts in today’s daily deals. I mean asparagus penis farts? Fish fillet? Hurry before they are sold out … or don’t.
I think I probably won’t be all that impressed when I do finally get to see the new season of Arrested Development. I’d say the production values will be pretty decent but but it someone won’t have the old magic. The time has passed. I’m not into this shirt either.
Link: TeeFury ($10)
This a bizarre tee and I’m not sure why anyone would want to wear it.
Link: Tee Time at 6 Dollar Shirts ($6 incl. shipping)
This is another bizarre t-shirt but it’s about something Kanye West said and I am just not interested enough to look it up again.
Link: Fish Fillet T-Shirt at Busted Tees ($11)
Carmen Sandiego (Yes, I had to look it up) in the style of Dick Tracy.
Link: RIPT ($10)
Walmazan knocks it out of the part with another cute tee.
Link: The Race T-Shirt at Shirt.Woot! ($12)
LOLShirts don’t have one t-shirt on sale today. They have lots. They may be a dollar more than the usual sale price but shipping is free too.
Link: LOLShirts New Items
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