Forget exercise and a healthy diet. All you need is a t-shirt that helps you hide the spare tire around your belly. Well, that’s the premise behind this t-shirt called RipT. Get it? Ripped? RipT! To be honest I could use something like this at the moment as 10 years of inertia has played havoc with my waistline but I think I will try solve that the old-fashioned way. Buying the next size up. Just kidding. Kind of. Recently had to do that but I have been exercising and I hope that will work out for me.
Even if you aren’t interested in getting this tee be sure to check out the web site as they have instructions on how to put on and take off t-shirts. Finally someone has let slip this highly prized piece of knowledge.
I bet you could buy a t-shirt 2 sizes too small and get that girdle effect, in fact, all my t-shirts look RIPPED. Good Luck, I’m exercising more starting today.