Ecko recently released some Halo t-shirts and it seems that quite a few people were so less than impressed that they have become quite vocal about it and it even made the news. And by news I mean Google News. I know, almost everything makes Google News. But the headlines were interesting so I thought I would re-post them here for all you t-shirt fanatics.

It didn’t stop at the headlines either. The Escapist didn’t pull any punches. Below are a few quotes.
These are six of the most horridly tasteless, vulgar t-shirts ever conceived by a human brain. They look like something put together by a sugared-up 12-year-old joining his first “Design Your Own T-Shirt” contest. And here’s the best part: The opportunity to wear one of these monstrosities will cost you as much as 38 bucks.
Marc Ecko apparently hates gamers. If Marc Ecko’s Getting Up wasn’t proof enough, just take a look at these new Halo shirts that he’s designed. Not only are the shirts so ugly that they can be considered a crime against nature, but Ecko has the gall to charge nearly $40 for them!
It’s like an Iron Maiden shirt had a baby with a Three-Wolf shirt. Excuse me, I think I’m going to be sick.
MTV Multiplayer wasn’t all that impressed either and had this to say:
They’re garish, loud and obvious. If you went to a third-tier metal show in Nebraska, you’d likely see the up-and-coming band selling similar shirts at their merch table after the show.
But really, the damage was done with their headline.

Kotaku didn’t feel the need for a diatribe either because their opening statement, that Ecko Release The Ugliest Halo Shirts In The Known Universe laid all their cards on the table.

I too am not impressed by these tees but they are surely not the worst tees that I have seen. Then I have seen more tees than the average chap. OK, I admit it. I think they are horrendous and the fact that they are for a video game, and not even a retro video game at that, just makes them even worse in my eyes. I think that is not the issue with these reviewers though. I guess that they are Halo fans and they feel like Ecko has tarnished the image of Halo and taken a big dump all over the fans. I don’t blame Ecko here as this it the type of t-shirt you can expect for him. I would blame the owners of Halo for okaying these tees.
Anyway, you can check them out below or click on the images to go to the Ecko store and buy yourself some of this quality merchandise. Put them in a box for about 30 years and you might have a great tee for your son/grandson.
The top 2 shirts you’ve shown are utterly hideous, and the bottom two aren’t much better. Wow.
I guess that means you won’t be forking out $38 + shipping for them then.
These sites are a bunch of HATERS, I like ecko’s t-shirt treatment of the Halo franchise, and he has gamer experience with the GETTIN UP graffiti game, so he knows whats up and how to keep it real
Real bad! Just kidding, each to their own.
people are stupid, i think the shirts are awsome
People are stupid. I agree. I think these shirts are stupid too though.
I don’t really understand who the HELL would find these shirts even remotely wearable. Although I KIND OF like the one on the bottom-left, I find the rest hideous, and way too colorful. You might as well puke on a blank t-shirt and wear it.
these shirts are a discrace and mark ecko is a sell out.
we should “accquire” these terrible shirts and burn them in ecko’s lawn
Why the people is complaining? In my opinion both, the game and the tee shirts are great
Hahah these t-shirts would be perfect for Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory : ]!