Some of you may already know Donkey Tees as they are a pretty big t-shirt store that regularly puts out new t-shirts. Apparently they have over 650 designs to choose from. That is one of the biggest selections you’ll find on the internets. Most, if not all, of the t-shirts are humor or pop culture based tees. Above is a sample of available designs that I chopped off their front page. Anyway, they sent over a couple of tees for review and that is what I will do.

The first tee is this little white number above. It is a simple but funny take on the evolution image and I think it will get a few laughs from your friends too. It is a heavy cotton white tee that is more Hanes than American apparel. I think that white tees should be heavy though as I don’t like my man nipples being visible through the cotton. I don’t think other people want to see them either.

The second tee is a simple text based design and I can’t believe I haven’t seen this joke before. T-Shirts with just text are so easy to wear unless they are offensive of course and this tee is pretty cool. While this tee may not draw as many comments as the previous one I think it will make a lot of people wonder why they didn’t think of it. This tee is made of lighter cotton. The print on both tees is nice and soft.
As I said, they have a huge selection of tees and they are all reasonably priced and as far as I can see are available on a selection of colors so you should definitely check them out. You can use the code : READIT to get 10% off too.
Link: Donkey Tees
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