It’s Monday again and that means new Threadless T-Shirts. This post will go back the usual format of one new and one reprint. The new t-shirt is by Glenn Jones AKA Glennz who I have mentioned quite a few times on this site. He has a great imagination and a very recognizable, oft copied style. He seems to usually focus on pop culture references but today’s shirt doesn’t seem to. Maybe he is branching out. Whatever he is doing though, he is doing with style. This is Strays by Glenn Jones.
The next t-shirt is very popular t-shirt that has more than likely been reprinted many times already. It is one of my favorite t-shirts on Threadless and is based around a simple pun. The Communist Party by Tom Burns features famous communists from history having a party – Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Mao and of course Marx.
Also, I guess I should mention that Threadless are having a sale on prints at the moment from July 14th to July 20th. I don’t really get the whole print thing for Threadless designs. Some of them seem OK but I really don’t know who would pay for a print with “I listen to bands that don’t even exist yet.” in plain text. The t-shirt I can understand, but a print? I mentioned Threadless prints in a previous post and below is the poll that I started.

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