As, I mentioned before, I will probably be mentioning LaFraise tees a little more and here I am, doing just that. Another pair of fairly new tee caught my eye and from what I can tell, they are both from French t-shirt designers. The renegades of funk is one of the best one color tees I have seen in a while, the Renegades of Funk has style.

The next tee is something that I would expect to see at Camiseteria but I think it could have found a home at almost any of the tee contest sites. It is a funny concept and well executed and when you add the geek factor to it you have made a sale. It’s Homo Geekus by Cib.

LaFraise have a special offer at the moment where if you buy 3 t-shirts you get a fourth one free. Just stick the 4 tees in the basket and use the coupon code 8MAY09 to get a reduction of 19 euro. You must have at least 76 euro worth in the basket for this to work though. I don’t know how long this offer will last for.
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