About a week ago or so Nerdy Shirts announced that they are holding a contest in which all you have to do is upload a video with “http://nerdyshirts.com” as the first text in the video description to receive a free t-shirt. One t-shirt per person per challenge. You can read more here. Best video as chosen by Nerdy Shirts will receive $100 gift voucher. It is a pretty cool attempt at viral marketing by Nerdy Shirts but it may not be so successful as I couldn’t find any of the videos on youtube. Maybe I should take out my new Nikon D90 to make a little high def video for them.
The current challenge is “I love NerdyShirts!” You can simply say that or you can elaborate. It’s up to you! Remember, the more crazy/fun/weird the video the better.
I also received an email from them today telling me that they are having a pretty cool sale this week where you will be able to get your hands on a 4 different $4.99 t-shirts every day. Today’s offerings you can see below. They are apparently clearing out some stock.

Please comment with your real name using good manners.