At a TED speech Jake Nickell, the founder of Threadless talks about the importance of making something.

Big Bad City on Kickstarter
I don’t often post about Kickstarter on Tee Reviewer and that is not because I have anything against Kickstarter. To the contrary, I think it’s great. I have even backed a project on Kickstarter. The Pocket TV by Infinitec which I don’t think is so great. Anyway, the reason I don’t post about Kickstarter t-shirt projects is because the vast… Read more →

The Title T-Shirt
There seems to have been a lot of effort put into fleshing out this joke but it is well done. I have a feeling that the full feature-length movie will never see the light of day but that doesn’t mean you can’t get the t-shirt (or the poster). In fact you can choose between the black or white t-shirts. These… Read more →

Lora Zombie on Threadless
Lora Zombie is the latest artist to get the Made (formerly “made by”) treatment at Threadless. And it may be the most impressive yet. Lora Zombie has a very clear style and while it may not have been intended for t-shirts, it works. Apparently the t-shirt with the image you see above of Little Red Riding Hood is the most… Read more →

Made by Justin White
I mentioned the Threadless Made By series a while back and I thought that I would be posting about each artist but that didn’t happen. I guess I was busy. Anyway, the latest artist to get featured by Threadless is Justin White aka Jublin, whom I interviewed not that long ago on the Shirt List. Link: Justin White Interview He’s… Read more →

Headline Shirt Protest Sweaters! As well as protesting sweaters, Headline Shirts also sell t-shirts and at the moment all the t-shirts in the Headline Shirts store are on sale for just $14. They are usually $24 so it is a pretty good deal. It’s a 48 hour sale but I think that it started last night so you don’t have all that much… Read more →

Meet Jeremyville Creator (video)
A couple of weeks ago Threadless released 13 Jeremyville Community Service Announcements T-Shirts but didn’t really tell us much about Jeremyville. Now, for those of you wanting to know a little more about this awesome artist you can watch this video.

Gundam Style T-Shirt -Gangnam Style
This is a very limited edition t-shirt available at ThinkGeek. It might only be available for the next few hours really as the weekend is almost over. Yes it is a Gundam and Gangnam style mashup. Of course many people thought that it was Gundam style from the beginning so it is a concept that wasn’t so difficult to come… Read more →

Jon Contino talks about Art and Design [video]
Jon Contino is one of the creative forces behind clothing brand CXXVI. In this video he talks a little bit about how he got to where he is and what drives him. Short but interesting. Links: Jon Contino | CXXVI

The Hunger Games Strike Back in today’s Daily Deals!
Not much happening on the t-shirt front today. RIPT probably had a bug stopping it from posting their latest tee and Busted Tees and LOLShirts have no special offers. A Hunger Games t-shirt from TeeFury. It feels like it’s been a while since the last Hunger Games tee. Link: TeeFury ($10) I don’t know why but I like this shirt…. Read more →