Threadless have a new website coming. One that I am not so impressed by. But that’s another story. Threadless also have a new t-shirt and they sent one for me to take a look at. It arrived a week or so ago. They say it’s their best fitting, highest quality, comfiest tee yet…but they would say that. This post is my opinion though and I think it’s their best fitting, highest quality, comfiest tee yet.
Threadless T-Shirt Review
It’s a little thicker than a standard American Apparel and a little shorter. As I mentioned in my previous t-shirt review that is something that I like.
The tee they sent is a simple black logo t-shirt with very soft grey print. So soft that it’s hardly noticeable. Threadless are pros though so that is only to be expected. While printed and designed in Chicago, the actual t-shirt is manufactured in Nicaragua.

They added a cyan back neck tape as a type of subtle branding. Quite clever really and it looks good too.
It says that it’s a pilot edition so there are chances that the tee will go through further changes depending on the feedback they receive I guess.
Overall, it’s a great t-shirt but I’m sure not everybody will be happy with it but you can’t please everyone all the time.
This t-shirt came in a cardboard box and the t-shirt was wrapped in crepe paper. Looked nice but I wonder if that was just for this t-shirt rather than a new mailer for Threadless orders. I imagine it’s just this t-shirt. On the other hand, Graniph t-shirts do come in a box like this and Threadless recently had a collaboration with them so perhaps they will try it out.
There was also a sticker sheet. Threadless knows how to do those well. Not just logo stickers. My daughter had them adorning her (Threadless) t-shirt within minutes of seeing them. Luckily I had already taken the photos. She recognized the Budi Satria Kwan ampersand design immediately as both she and my wife have that t-shirt.
Link: Threadless
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